Blacktown Tax Accountant

Director Identification Number

A Director Identification Number (director ID) is a unique 15 digit identifier system designed to verify and track the corporate history of individual directors and their relationships to companies. It will also help protect the privacy of directors by allowing them to be identified on public registers without disclosing personal information such as date of birth, full name or residential address.

Do I need a director ID?

From November 2021, you will need a director ID if you are a Registered Officer, being a person who is appointed Director or Alternate Director of an Australian entity including:

  • any Company which includes a company acting only as a Trustee
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Corporation (director under the CATSI Act)
  • Charity or not-for-profit organisation that is a company
  • Registered Australian body or Foreign Company (ARBN).

When do I need to have my director ID by?

If you are a director acting for a company registered under the Corporations Act 2001:

Date you become a directorMust have a director ID by
On or before 31 October 202130 November 2022
1 November 2021 – 4 April 2022 Within 28 days of appointment as directorWithin 28 days of appointment as director
5 April 2022Before appointment

How do I apply?

If you have a MyGovID, the easiest and fastest way to apply is online, otherwise you can apply by phone or using a downloadable form.

You will need to some information that the ATO knows about you when you are applying, regardless of the option you choose, including:

  • your tax file number
  • your residential address as held by the ATO
  • Information from two further documents to verify your identify, for example bank account details or ATO notice of assessment.

For more information call us at 1300 941 180.

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